First I want to thank “Bella's Blog Beauty, Health and More” for the opportunity to let me write this content for you. I will be talking to you about the power of "Discovering Yourself."

One of the biggest problems as human beings especially women is that it is difficult for us to discover who we really are, that is what we call: Identity. In recent years the true identity of some people are being lost and, there are several reasons why, for example: What they have experienced in their childhood, family, friends among much more.

Some have asked me, how do I find myself? As an image consultant, it would be very easy for me to discover your body type, face, the colors that favor you and much more, but what I have really understood is that we first have to discover ourselves from the inside to be able to give light on the outside, it is not useful to have the best wallet, the best clothes, shoes etc. If you don't really know the wonderful human being inside you.

It is important to get rid of everything toxic in our life, in fact if you feel that you are in a job that you do not love and that makes you an unhappy person, I invite you to look for what you like to do and put it to work, we all have a hidden talent that we think we do not have, I say this because it is exactly what happened to me, in my country El Salvador. I worked in the banking area for what I had studied, and I am not going to deny it I liked my job, but when I got married I decided to emigrate to the United States with my husband, you know that when you get here you work on one of the first job offers you find, it took several years for me to realize that I had tremendous potential for my own business, that's how I discovered my talent as a party decorator and named it “Paradise Decoration ”giving me the opportunity to work as my own boss, then I opened my online jewelry and accessories store called:“ Paradise Style Jewelry ”, but within myself I wanted to give more and help other people, so I decided get certified as "Image Advisor". So when they canceled all my events due to the pandemic, I knew it was the right time not to sit idly by so I became certified in the midst of a global crisis.

I told you a bit of everything I have been through so that you know that we all have obstacles, but that we are capable of moving forward, that when you study deeply and can clearly see your defects and virtues, you will realize the great human being and unique that you are; you cannot allow anyone to tell you what you can do or not, that no one defines you but God.

Most women enter into a discussion when having children, that if you are already a mother and you do not have time to treat yourself because you have children that occupies all your time, is a mistake, our children must see that they have strong mothers and sure of themselves, so that they become safe adults with a clear identity of who they are.

I invite you to start looking at yourself each morning in front of a mirror to see the potential that is within you and if you do not like what you look at, start working each area, emotional and physical.

Remember that discovering yourself will be the best thing that happens to you, because you will not only give light with your outfit but you will transmit your security and strength.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you, I gave you a prophet to the nations" Jeremiah 1: 5: 5

Yenny Cabrera
Image consultant


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