What is FRIENDSHIP | By Fernanda Palma

Definition: Relationship of affection, sympathy and trust established between people who are not family.

The affection and complicity that is created with our friends is very different from the feeling that we have for someone who is part of our family because we love our family by imposition because they teach us as children that the family is loved for being that , family, but to our friends it is we as individuals who choose to love them.

And he chose to use the word "love" because we can "love someone" but we are only going to love our true friends.

 How do we know who our green friends are?

We can identify as our true friends people who do not leave us in the saddest moment of our lives because in the happiest moment they are all. Because friend is the one who sees you and is by your side in the darkest moment of your life but helps you to come to light again, encourages you, prays for you and is always looking out for your well-being. Friend is the one who supports you even in your craziest projects and dreams and the one who believes in you despite the limitations you may have.
And it is that with 23 years I have realized that many of the people who believed they were my friends became my strangers. I had a very difficult stage in my life and those who really loved me, those who in spite of the circumstance wanted the best for me and the others only dedicated themselves to judging and pointing me out, remained permanently by my side. I am talking about a maximum of 4 people.

And they do not need to have a 10-year friendship with someone to appreciate them as a true friend, sometimes it only takes weeks or months to account for a person's intentions and know that they are really providing their trust and support in everything.

We also have to understand that there are friends who only come through, friendships that are not for the rest of our lives but that leave a mark on our hearts for what they did for us at the time and we must also thank them for that. In life everything is in stages and maybe your teenage friends are no longer by your side but that does not mean that you will not trust someone again, that you will not have that complicity with someone, sometimes without waiting for God to reward with that friendship that has waited for years, that person with whom you understand each other and have the confidence to tell him everything, that person with whom you can pray and cry. These people eventually become our family, our brothers by choice and not by blood.

But you have to know that to receive that friendship and affection you first have to strive to be a good friend, you cannot pretend to receive trust and complicity from someone if you are not willing to give the same, so ask God to make you that Person with which others feel they can count on everything, with which they can feel supported.

Learn to choose your friends and stay away from people who all they do is lead you to perdition, those who all they want is to look bad, those only invite you to spend your money on liquor or nonsense, stay away from those who are looking for you just for the benefits that you can welcome him, flee from those who invite you to do evil.

 Proverbs 18:24 There are those who seem friends but destroy each other; the true friend remains more loyal than a brother ”.


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