From my old blog "Berakah": The Love of God | Written by Kenny Guzman
I would like to ask you two questions:
How many times have you hurt the heart of Jesus?
How many times has God shown us his infinite love and we have rejected him?
According to 1 Corinthians 13 "... love is suffered, it is benign, love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up, it does not do anything improper, it does not seek its own, it is not irritated, it does not hold a grudge , you do not enjoy injustice, but you enjoy the truth. Everything suffers, believes everything, expects everything, endures everything. Love never ceases to be ... "
We all know the Biblical passage of the preeminence of love in Corinthians and we also know 1 John 4: 8 which says that "... God is love ...". We know that if we refer to living sacrifices for love, Jesus Christ is the first and only one on the list always for all centuries. Because God sent his only son to die for us on the cross (John 3:16). In the Bible there are endless cases where God manifests his love for his children, and we do not have to go that far, God still continues to manifest in our lives every day, but, the point here is that we ignore all these things. We do not pay attention to the times on the day the Lord shows us his love. From the time we get up until the end of our day, we do not see God because we do not allow Him to manifest Himself in our lives as He has to, we do not give Him the opportunity to do His will in us, we do not allow Him to be the helm of our boat because we occupy the space that He deserves to give it to other things.
As human beings when we love a person, we do and give everything for that person, we do the impossible to make that person happy, pleasing them in whatever is necessary. We see all the beautiful qualities of people, we ignore the negative things that a person can have, and all that for what? because we have feelings for that person and we are able to make sacrifices for love. So is God with his children, He always tries to be noticed in our lives, but sometimes we are so blind that we do not see him, we do not lend our ears to hear him. That is why it is impossible for us to see God working in our lives when we cannot even recognize the great love that He feels for us.
The difference between the love that we can feel for a person and the love that God feels towards us is that, as humans we get tired of showing love and sacrificing ourselves for that person that we used to love, but nevertheless God does not get tired, he will never get tired of loving us, she will never regret having sent her only son to save us, to save us from death. He does the impossible so that you and I can obtain an eternal life through salvation.
How many would sacrifice their lives for love? Probably many would, but others would not. According to the dictionary, the word love is described as an intense feeling and / or affection that one has or expresses towards a person, animal or thing. But in the Bible the word love is defined as compassion. Now, in my personal opinion, the word love is too big. The verb to love sounds even bigger. He who is not willing to sacrifice himself for love then does not know how to love or has never loved anyone. Of course, in this case I am not referring to a single type of love in opposite sexes, I am referring to a love in general, for a mother, for a father, for a relative, for a child, etc. Love is expressed in different ways in different types of relationships with different types of people. Many people confuse love with wanting. According to the dictionary, loving is a disinterested feeling, it does not seek interests; and wanting is a connotation of the verb to possess, when saying that "wants something" is having the desire, the feeling of possession, with an interest, either for something or someone. Two totally different things, the only thing they have in common is that they are feelings, they are emotions, they are expressions of something we feel.
In so many years that, thanks to God, he has lived, how many times has God failed him? Many, right? How many times has someone failed, or missed something? Enough I suppose. It is noticed, the faults that we have committed before the Lord are innumerable, we cannot count them. Now, that a person come to lack him in a minimum thing to see if you did not stop loving him or feeling a little less confident. And don't tell me that it is because God is different because he has a lot of patience and mercy, it is true that he has it and he is, but God made us similar to Him, God just as He loves us, He warns us. Proverbs 27: 5 says, "Better is open rebuke than hidden love." The Bible is not wrong. Anyone who is a father and loves his son knows that because he loves them if they do something wrong, they should admonish him, right? And when you reprimand your child, when you correct him is it because you love him or not? Although one as a child never understands the reason for things at the moment, as a parent you know why admonishes his son, even if he knows that he did wrong. There comes a time when the warning that was negative back then becomes positive because we see the fruit of what as parents and protectors helped us avoid. So is God, He warns us not because of evil, but because He loves us, and He does not want us to fall into the same puddle twice, He wants us to get up the first time we fall, and from the first time we learn without the need for Let there be a second fall.
The people of Israel are described as a rebellious people, who liked to do everything against what the Holy Spirit of God induced them to do. And that angered the Lord, that you and I become deaf, and blind in front of what we know that he wants to deliver us that angels the Lord in such a way that he does not turn away, nor stops loving us but simply leaves us us to face that wall that he was preventing us. But nevertheless, throughout our lives the Lord sends us support, he sends us means by which we can feel and see that God is there for us, means by which we often ignore, means that help us in the process.
To the people of Israel God sent prophets, messengers, and there were many ways by which the Lord let his message and what he wanted for his people see, but as usual the people did not listen, they were "fools". It is possible to compare the people of Israel with the stage of puberty in us humans. He knows that in puberty you go from adolescent to young, if you are 15 you want to be 18. We all go through that, we want to advance, jump steps, jump stages, we want to run before walking, we want to savor freedom but we confuse that with debauchery, no We let them teach us how to be free, we don't let them show us healthy and correct freedom. This is what the people of Israel were like, they wanted to govern themselves, they wanted to be free but they did not want to follow the Lord's commands, which was to lead them to safe and correct freedom. They confused that being free was being able to do what they wanted. It was not worth a prophet that God sent, the people simply wanted to do what they saw fit. So it was a foolish people, hard to lead. Even so, after all, that was the people that God had chosen, the tree that God straightened, and did not let it twist, because that was his chosen people.
In his infinite love God many times leaves us free to the glass, he allows us to hit the wall (so to speak), but even before colliding he warns us until the last moment which way we should go. He sends us signals, He sends us people, He reveals us in different ways and everything so that we can reconsider and realize that we are going the wrong way and that He is freeing us from going where it is not convenient for us. Open your eyes, take off that band from your eyes and realize that God is calling you, He is sending you signs, He is indicating that the way you are going is perhaps not the correct one, perhaps He is indicating that the door through That you want to enter is not the one that he wants you to enter and he is trying to close it but you do not let him be the guide and be the one who takes full control and control of your situation. DO NOT wait until late to realize how great God's love is for us. Let's not wait for the last moment to stop and look which way we should / should go, where God asks us to go. Don't wait until it's too late for that. Think about it and recognize that Christ made the sacrifice for love of us and it was to die on the cross of Calvary for our sins.
God bless you,
With love,
Kenny g
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