SPIRITUAL GROWTH | By: Jessica Morales

“Not that I have already achieved it, or that it is already perfect; but I continue, to see if I can grasp that for which I was also seized by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not claim to have already achieved it myself; but one thing I do: forgetting what is left behind, and extending myself to what is ahead, I continue to the goal, to the prize of the supreme call of God in Christ Jesus. ”

(Philippians 3: 12-14)

Many people come and ask me: Pastor, how can I grow spiritually? This is a very interesting question because in life we ​​need to grow in all areas. We must understand that growth or maturity is not instantaneous but a process that requires time and effort. It takes a child time to grow and mature, a tree takes a long time to grow and bear fruit. In the same way, our growth and maturity is a step-by-step process, we achieve it with physical, mental and spiritual effort. It is a process that does not end and can be accelerated through obedience to the spiritual laws established in the scriptures.

In order to grow and mature in the best way we have to make a decision to unlearn all those bad habits that are not going to be productive in our lives and learn new habits that are really going to help us and add value to our lives. Adhering to God's instructions will be a powerful ally because every instruction we see in God's word is God's advice to us and obedience to these instructions will guarantee your success.

We have to be aware that the Christian life is not a Race of a hundred meters or just a few months or a few years, but a marathon in which we must go to the end, where you will not allow yourself to throw in the towel or negotiate your faith with the world. In the Race of our life we ​​never stop learning, every day the Lord teaches us something new through his word, a test or a circumstance. We have not learned everything, nor have we achieved everything. We must be humble to accept that there are many things to learn to continue growing.

When I began to exercise the pastoral ministry I came feeling incompetent, because it is a position where many people demand you to be and give more than is within your reach. I married a pastor with experience in ministry and I was very new to this. Without much experience and listening to the demanding voices of the sheep I was frustrated for a time. Sometimes they used to say very discouraging phrases like: "Your husband gives width, but you have a very large shirt or he is my shepherd, but she is only his wife." When faced with many challenges I had two options to get discouraged and throw in the towel or understand that the Lord was calling me to spiritual growth. I chose to obey the Lord and continue to grow. I began to have a deeper yearning for his presence, for the word, for the prayer. I also started studying seven years ago at the University in the area of ​​psychology, a profession that I love because you learn to understand others. I graduated and still continue studying without neglecting my ministry, my family and my work as an entrepreneur. It is very challenging but I love what I do and I feel every day a desire to grow in Jesus and be more like him because he is my best example.

The Apostle Paul calls us to be more like Christ which is very essential for our growth. Many times we want to be like someone and in reality that someone is a human being with mistakes and when we fail we tend to be disappointed, when in truth we have a perfect model and a goal to achieve and that is to be more like Jesus in all aspects of our life. Look at what this verse says:

"Until we all come to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, according to the stature of the fullness of Christ."

(Ephesians 4:13)

I invite you to make the decision to grow, not to settle for staying where you have arrived. God has great plans for your life; He has many blessings for you but he is waiting for you to reach that maturity to deliver them to you because that way you can administer your blessings. Go ahead, let nothing or anyone discourage you. Keep growing the best is yet to come!

Pastor Jessica Morales
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