
Showing posts from July, 2020

Friendship from my own point of view | By Kenny Guzman

One of the things that I respect a lot and that has a lot of value in my life is my friends. I am a very loving person, who likes to express my feelings and that a friendship is not just being a friend but being a brother/sister. Perhaps it is because I never had siblings, I got involved with friends and made them part of my life at one time or another. I have always been a person who trusts people even if they have failed because nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes. Once a friend told me "there are friends for every stage of our life" and also once I read a post by someone with had a friend of many years, and that marked my life. I have had many friendships, some that are still, that at a distance we managed to keep that friendship / brotherhood together as if we were close, and I am sure that if we managed to get together again we would treat ourselves as if we always shared moments together. I have had friends who have left for some reason in life and there are others ...

La Amistad desde mi punto de vista | Por Kenny Guzman

Una de las cosas que respeto mucho y que tiene mucho valor en mi vida son mis amigos. Soy una persona muy carinosa, que le gusta expresar sus sentimientos y que una amistad no es simplemente ser amigo sino es ser hermano. Quizas sea porque nunca tuve hermanos, yo me encarino con los amigos y los hago parte de mi vida en un momento a otro. Siempre he sido una persona que confia en las personas aunque hayan fallado porque nadie es perfecto, todos cometemos errores. Una vez un amigo me dijo "hay amistades para cada etapa de nuestra vida" y tambien una vez lei un post de alguien con su amiga de muchos anos que marco mi vida. Yo he tenido muchas amistades, algunas que aun estan, que a la distancia logramos mantener esa amistad/hermandad unida como si estuvieramos cerca, y estoy segura que si logramos juntarnos de nuevo lograriamos tratarnos como si compartieramos siempre. He tenido amistades que se han ido por alguna razon de la vida y hay otras que estan pero a la vez estan ausen...

God Supports your leadership | By Kenny Guzman

(Joshua 1: 1-9) The prophet Moses was dead, and the work of Moses had been delegated to Josue. Josue was a leader from an early age by command of God given to Moses was chosen to lead a people. Why was Josue chosen to lead? · He was a man of vision · He was a man of decision and determination · He knew the needs of the people · He was not independent, he knew how to suggest to his authority that he was Moses. · He was always with Moses, learning from Moses' side. · He was a great disciple which made him a great leader. Today, our job is to be good sheep, good disciples of our leaders. By being close to them, welcoming the advice they give us, and learning to listen to them, we learn more about what the life of a leader is, we learn and begin to prepare ourselves to become a leader and continue with the legacy o the task that will later be entrusted to us. A good leader has to learn to be a good disciple first and foremost. Moses' job was to remove the people of Israel from the ...

Que es la AMISTAD | Por Fernanda Palma

Definición: Relación de afecto, simpatía y confianza que se establece entre personas que no son familia. El cariño y la complicidad que se crea con nuestros amigos es muy diferente al sentimiento que le tenemos a alguien que es parte de nuestra familia porque a nuestra familia les amamos por imposición porque nos enseñan desde niños que a la familia se le ama por ser eso, familia, pero a nuestros amigos somos nosotros como personas individuales quienes elegimos amarlos. Y he elegido utilizar la palabra “amar” porque podemos “querer a alguien” pero solo vamos a amar a nuestros verdaderos amigos.    ¿Cómo sabemos quiénes son nuestros verdaderos amigos?   Podemos identificar como nuestros verdaderos amigos a aquellas personas que no nos dejan en el momento más triste de nuestra vida porque en el momento más feliz están todos. Porque amigo es el que te ve y está a tu lado en el momento más oscuro de tu vida pero te ayuda a que salgas de nuevo a la luz, te anima, ora por ti y...

What is FRIENDSHIP | By Fernanda Palma

Definition: Relationship of affection, sympathy and trust established between people who are not family. The affection and complicity that is created with our friends is very different from the feeling that we have for someone who is part of our family because we love our family by imposition because they teach us as children that the family is loved for being that , family, but to our friends it is we as individuals who choose to love them. And he chose to use the word "love" because we can "love someone" but we are only going to love our true friends.  How do we know who our green friends are? We can identify as our true friends people who do not leave us in the saddest moment of our lives because in the happiest moment they are all. Because friend is the one who sees you and is by your side in the darkest moment of your life but helps you to come to light again, encourages you, prays for you and is always looking out for your well-being. Friend is the one who su...

Dios Respalda tu Liderazgo | Por Kenny Guzman

(Josue 1: 1-9) El profeta Moises habia muerto, y el trabajo de Moises se le habia delegado a Josue. Josue fue lider desde temprana edad por mandato de Dios dado a Moises fue un escogido para liderar un pueblo. Porque fue Josue escogido para liderar? ·           Era un hombre de vision ·           Era un hombre de decision y determinacion ·           Conocia las necesidades de el pueblo ·           No era independiente, sabia sugetarse a su autoridad que era Moises. ·           Estuvo siempre con Moises, aprendiendo de el lado de Moises. ·           Fue un gran discipulo por lo que lo convirtio en un gran lider. Hoy dia, nuestro trabajo es ser buenas ovejas, buenos discipulos de nuestros lideres. Al estar cerca de ellos, r...

Zaqueo - Hombre de Fe | Por Kenny Guzman

A veces puedes pensar que a donde quiera que vayas la gente no te nota porque no eres lo suficientemente popular o porque no te consideras lo suficientemente interesante como para caber en cierto grupo. Haces todo lo que esté a tu alcance para ser popular y convertirte en ellos. Te olvidas de quién eres y cómo Dios te hizo. Te olvidas del hecho de que Dios te hizo con un paquete completo lleno de talentos y habilidades que tal vez no puedas ver ahora pero que están allí y Dios te preparó para que las personas que necesitan estar cerca de ti puedan sentirse afortunadas de tenerte . En Lucas 19: 1-10, Zaqueo, un recaudador de impuestos, era un hombre bajito, solía ir a todas las casas y recaudar dinero de los civiles. Era rico, poderoso, a cualquiera le gustaría tener el poder en dinero que tenía. Pero también tiene mala reputación en la comunidad porque también fue considerado como un ladrón. Pero, un día, Jesús estaba pasando por su comunidad y quería verlo, pero como era bajo, tuvo qu...

Zacchaeus | By Kenny Guzman

Sometimes you might think that everywhere you go people don’t notice you because you are not popular enough or because you don’t consider yourself interesting enough to fit in certain group. You do everything in your power to be popular and become them. You forget about who you are and how God made you. You forget about the fact that God made you with a whole package full of talents and abilities that you might not see it now but they are there and God made you ready so the people that needs to be close to you can feel lucky to have you. In Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus a tax collector was a short man, he used to go to every houses and collect money from the civilians. He was rich, powerful, anybody would like to have the power in money that he had. But he also has bad reputation in the community because he was also considered as a thief. But, one day Jesus was passing by his community and he wanted to see him, but because he was short, he had to climb on a tree once he was there Jesus notic...

From my old blog "Berakah": The Love of God | Written by Kenny Guzman

I would like to ask you two questions: How many times have you hurt the heart of Jesus? How many times has God shown us his infinite love and we have rejected him? According to 1 Corinthians 13 "... love is suffered, it is benign, love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up, it does not do anything improper, it does not seek its own, it is not irritated, it does not hold a grudge , you do not enjoy injustice, but you enjoy the truth. Everything suffers, believes everything, expects everything, endures everything. Love never ceases to be ... " We all know the Biblical passage of the preeminence of love in Corinthians and we also know 1 John 4: 8 which says that "... God is love ...". We know that if we refer to living sacrifices for love, Jesus Christ is the first and only one on the list always for all centuries. Because God sent his only son to die for us on the cross (John 3:16). In the Bible there are endless cases where God manifests his love ...

De mi antiguo blog "Berakah": El Amor de Dios | Escrito por Kenny Guzman

Me gustaria hacerte dos preguntas: Cuantas veces haz herido el corazon de Jesus?  Cuantas veces Dios nos ha mostrado su infinito amor y nosotros lo hemos rechazado?  Segun  1 de Corintios 13   "...el amor es sufrido, es benigno, el amor no tiene envidia, el amor no es jactancioso, no se envanece, no hace nada indebido, no busca lo suyo, no se irrita, no guarda rencor, no se goza de la injusticia, mas se goza de la verdad. Todo lo sufre, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta. El amor nunca deja de ser..."   Todos conocemos el pasaje biblico de la preeminencia del amor en Corintios y tambien conocemos 1 Juan 4:8 que dice que "...Dios es amor...".  Sabemos que si nos referimos a sacrificios vivos por amor, Cristo Jesus es el primero y unico en la lista siempre por todos los siglos. Porque  Dios envio a su unico hijo para morir por nosotros en la cruz del calvario (Juan 3:16). En la biblia hay un sin fin de casos en donde Dios manifiesta su amor po...

SPIRITUAL GROWTH | By: Jessica Morales

“Not that I have already achieved it, or that it is already perfect; but I continue, to see if I can grasp that for which I was also seized by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not claim to have already achieved it myself; but one thing I do: forgetting what is left behind, and extending myself to what is ahead, I continue to the goal, to the prize of the supreme call of God in Christ Jesus. ” (Philippians 3: 12-14) Many people come and ask me: Pastor, how can I grow spiritually? This is a very interesting question because in life we ​​need to grow in all areas. We must understand that growth or maturity is not instantaneous but a process that requires time and effort. It takes a child time to grow and mature, a tree takes a long time to grow and bear fruit. In the same way, our growth and maturity is a step-by-step process, we achieve it with physical, mental and spiritual effort. It is a process that does not end and can be accelerated through obedience to the spiritual laws established i...

Crecimiento Espiritual | Por: Pastora Jessica Morales

“ No que lo haya alcanzado ya, ni que ya sea perfecto; sino que prosigo, por ver si logro asir aquello para lo cual fui también asido por Cristo Jesús. Hermanos, yo mismo no pretendo haberlo ya alcanzado; pero una cosa hago: olvidando ciertamente lo que queda atrás, y extendiéndome a lo que está delante, prosigo a la meta, al premio del supremo llamamiento de Dios en Cristo Jesús.”  (Filipenses 3:12-14) Muchas personas vienen y me preguntan: Pastora como puedo crecer espiritualmente?  Esta es una pregunta muy interesante porque en la vida necesitamos crecer en todas las areas.  Debemos entender que el crecimiento ó la madurez no es instantánea sino un proceso que requiere tiempo y esfuerzo.  A un niño le toma tiempo crecer y madurar, a un árbol le toma mucho tiempo para que crezca y de frutos.  De la misma manera nuestro crecimiento y madurez es un proceso paso a paso vamos lograndolo con esfuerzo físico, mental y espiritual.  Es un proceso...